My Holiday Baking List

I kind of procrastinated big time on my holiday baking this year.   Did anyone else feel like December was so short this year?  I kept thinking, “I have plenty of time,” only to realize that Christmas is next week!!!! Consequently, I’ve been in a bit of a baking frenzy this week.  Here are the things that made it onto my baking list this year.  All of these recipes are new to me this year and I have to say, I’ve been very pleased with the the results!

Turtles: I’ve made turtles before, but this year I wanted to make my own caramel that is corn syrup free.  Try this recipe and substitute honey for the corn syrup.  The honey gives the caramel a rich, unique flavor that compliments the caramel flavor perfectly.


Chewy Coconut Truffles:  There are seriously few flavor combinations I like better than coconut and chocolate.  These truffles are delicious.  I followed the recipe, but substituted dark chocolate for the milk chocolate. The coconut filling is sweet, gooey, and moist. The dark chocolate coating takes it over the top, adding a slightly bitter note to compliment the sweetness of the coconut.  I’ve have a hard time resisting these.


Peppermint Patties:  I made these with my husband in mind and they definitely give York Peppermint Patties a run for their money.  Not to mention, they are so pretty and festive.   They make a tasty after-dinner treat or a thoughtful gift to wrap up and give away.



Italian Almond Cookies:  I love that these cookies are naturally gluten free.  They are sweet, nutty and wonderfully chewy.  In my opinion they would be perfect with a cup of English Breakfast Tea.


Hope this gives you a few new ideas for your own holiday baking.  What is on your list this year?